Blog posts
Q&A with Dr Bob Klaber: a blog from the Shelford Group
Dr Bob Klaber, Consultant Paediatrician and Director of Strategy, Research and Innovation at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHT) talks about the work ICHT has undertaken as an anchor institution.
How can the NHS support the needs of those most excluded from society through its role as an anchor organisation?
The NHS has a unique opportunity to support the most socially excluded people in our society through its service provision and its role as an anchor institution. However more could be done to optimise the impact of its anchor role.
What have we learned from our learning network?
When we first launched the Health Anchors Learning Network (HALN) back in February 2021, we’d been tasked by The Health Foundation and NHS England and NHS Improvement to answer some important questions about anchor work.
Ready, learning set, go! Insights from HALN’s first round of learning sets
HALN is nearly one year old - and over the past 12 months we’ve been bringing together thousands of people from across the UK with responsibility for, or an interest in, anchor work.