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Anchor Action: what health anchors can do to tackle deprivation

Anchor organisations are large place-based public sector institutions which have significant assets and spending power. This resource and influence can be intentionally used to benefit communities and respond to local priorities.

On 28th November, the Health Anchors Learning Network will showcase examples of existing programmes and initiatives which look at supporting local populations with urgent priorities regarding deprivation and inequality, such as fuel poverty, the rising cost of living and hunger. This event is for anyone who is working on or interested in anchor approaches to tackling inequalities and meeting community priorities through place-based working.

Over the past two years, HALN have been running public events and closed Action Learning Sets listening to and learning from colleagues across the UK working to implement their anchor strategy. Many HALN participants kickstarted their anchor work through capitalising on a specific opportunity or need in their community, such as Covid-19 responses, a local infrastructure / investment project, a partnership with another anchor such as a Housing Association, or a national challenge such as the rising cost of bills. Anchor organisations often use these entry points to shift from a single initiative to a more considered, joined-up, sustainable programme of work, embedded in organisational structure and ways of working. In this webinar we will platform the work of others in order to explore what health anchors can learn from existing programmes which support local populations with urgent priorities.

Speakers to be announced soon.

25 October

Partnership in Practice: Health Anchors and the civic and VCSE sector

14 December

Anchored in Evidence: showcasing anchor case studies